wave_amps (array_like) – 1D array of wave amplitudes
freqs (array_like) – 1D array of frequencies [rad/s]
eps (array_like) – 1D array of random phase [rad/s]
angles (array_like) – 1D array of wave angles (defined as going to).
config_file (path_like) – File path to vessel configuration file. This can
be obtained directly from a Vessel object using
rho (float (default = 1025)) – Water density
g (float (default 9.81)) – Gravitational acceleration
depth (float (default = 1000)) – Water depth. Only used when deep water is False. Used
to compute the dispersion relation.
deep_water (bool (default = True)) – Boolean to specify if infinite deep water assumption.
qtf_method (string (default = "Newman")) – QTF approximation method. Can be either “Newman” or
“geo-mean” as specified in the WaveLoad.QTF_METHODS.
qtf_interp_angles (bool (default = True)) – Boolean to specify whether or not to use interpolation
over the wave angles when computing the QTF matrices.
interpolate (bool (default = True)) – Boolean value to specify whether or not to use
1D interpolation over the frequencies when computing
the first-order force RAO matrices and QTF matrices.
Generate the full QTF matrix for all DOF, all headings with calculated QTF
and for all wave frequency components.
ShipX only calculates the mean drift force for surge, sway, and yaw. Hence,
the QTFs are only calculated for these DOFs.
The off-diagonal terms of the QTFs are calculated using Newmanns approximation [3].
The user can specify whether to interpolate over frequencies and angles, or to use
the closest value. It is recommended to at least use interpolation over the frequencies.
The default QTF approximation use the arithmetic mean. An alternative method for
computing the off-diagonal terms is the geometric mean [4]. The geometric mean
results in lower QTF values for the far-from off-diagonal terms.
qtf_headings (1D-array) – Headings used for calculations of QTFs in diffraction program (ShipX etc)
qtf_freqs (1D-array) – Frequencies used in calculations of QTS in diffraction program (Shipx etc)
qtfs (6 x n x m - array) – QTFs calculated for 6 DOF for n frequencies and m headings.
method (string (default="Newman")) – Method to be used for approximating off-diagonal terms. Newman approximation
is the default method, geometric mean (as used in OrcaFlex) is the other.
interpolate (bool (default=True)) – 1D Interpolation if the mean drift components w.r.t frequency.
Function to set the force RAOs to be used in calculation
of 1st order wave loads.
Selected for the wave frequencies of the sea-state by closest index or
interpolated over frequencies.